MCQs on Forms of Poetry

Introduction To Forms Of Poetry

Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to its apparent meaning. Specific poetic forms or forms of poetry have been developed by many cultures. In more developed, closed or received poetic forms, the rhyming scheme, meter and other elements of a poem are based on sets of rules, ranging from the relatively loose rules that govern the construction of an elegy to the highly formalized structure of villanelle. Here, some common forms of poetry are described in the form of MCQs. All MCQs onForms Of PoetryMultiple Choice Questions are published according to the new study syllabus for academic year 2021-22.

Read More: MCQs on Poetry in The Age of Pope

The MCQs on “Types Of Poetry” objective questions with answers includes critical history of English Literature from the Beginning to Post Modern & Post Colonial Literature in different posts of preferably for the preparation of NTS, FPSC, PPSC, PCS, CSS, B.A, B.A(Hons), M.A, M.Phil, Phd, Teachers & Lecturers Entry Tests and all other competitive examinations in Pakistan and also for foreign students and foreign study.

MCQs on Types Of Poetry (Questions and Answers)

Blank Verse:

Q1. Which poetic form is written with a precise meter, that does not rhyme?

  1. Rhymed poetry
  2. Blank verse
  3. Epic

Answer: b


Q2.  A poetic form which is written with iambic pentameter is:

  1. Free verse
  2. Haiku
  3. Blank verse

Answer: c


Q3. Which poetic form has a consistent meter with 10 syllables in each line in poetry and prose also where unstressed syllables are followed by stressed ones?

  1. Blank verse
  2. Ode
  3. Sonnet

Answer: a


Q4. The un-rhymed iambic pentameter poetry is:

  1. Free verse
  2. Elegy
  3. Blank verse

Answer: c


Rhymed Poetry:

Q5.  A poetry that contains rhyming vowel sounds at particular moments is called:

  1. free verse
  2. Rhymed poetry
  3. Blank verse

Answer: b


Read More: Age of Pope MCQs Questions and Answers

Q6. In contrast to blank verse, which poems are rhyme by definition, although their scheme varies?

  1. Rhymed poems
  2. Unrhymed poems
  3. Both a and b

Answer: a



Q7. Which poem is a lengthy, narrative work of poetry?

  1. Elegy
  2. Ode
  3. Epics

Answer: c


Q8. The long poems which are typically detail extraordinary feats and adventures of characters from a distant past are called _____________ poems.

  1. Epic
  2. Elegy
  3. Sonnet

Answer: a


Q9. A long poem which is often book-length, narrative in verse form that is about  the heroic journey of a single person, or more than one persons is:

  1. Ode
  2. Epic
  3. Pastoral poetry

Answer: b


Q10. Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey is a/an ____________ poem.

  1. epic
  2. elegy
  3. ode

Answer: a


Free Verse:

Q11.Which poetic form lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or musical form?

  1. Blank verse
  2. Free verse
  3. Rhymed poetry

Answer: b


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Q12. A poem which is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and also does not rhyme with fixed forms is called _____________ form of poetry.

  1. free verse
  2. pastoral
  3. epic

Answer: a



Q13. Where Haiku poetic form has been originated?

  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Japan

Answer: c


Q14. A Haiku is a ___________ poetic form.

  1. two-line
  2. three-line
  3. four-line

Answer: b


Q15. The Haiku contains three sections, structured in a ____________ pattern.

  1. 5-7-5
  2. 5-6-5
  3. 5-3-5

Answer: a


Q16. A short poem which uses a clarifying language to convey the essence of an experience of nature mostly linked to the human condition is:

  1. Ballad
  2. Haiku
  3. Elegy

Answer: b


Narrative Poetry:

Q17. Similar to which poetic form, a narrative poetry tells a story?

  1. Ode
  2. Sonnet
  3. Epic

Answer: c


Q18. The example of narrative poetry is/ are:

  1. The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Henry Wadsworth
  2. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S.T Coleridge
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c


Pastoral Poetry:

Q19. A poetic form which deals with the natural world, rural life and landscapes is:

  1. Ode
  2. Pastoral poetry
  3. Epic

Answer: b


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Q20. Which poems have persevered from Ancient Greece (Hesiod) to Ancient Rome (Virgil) to the present day (Gary Snyder):

  1. Pastoral poems
  2. Narrative poems
  3. None

Answer: a



Q21. A poem that reflects upon death or loss is:

  1. Epic
  2. Pastoral poetry
  3. Elegy

Answer: c


Q22. Traditionally, which poetic form contains themes of mourning, loss and reflections?

  1. Ode
  2. Elegy
  3. Epic

Answer: b


Q23. The poetic form which can explore themes of redemption and consolation is:

  1. Sonnet
  2. Haiku
  3. Elegy

Answer: c


Q24. An Elegy, in poetic terms is a ______________ song.

  1. funeral
  2. loving
  3. natural

Answer: a


Q25. A melancholy poem, which is written to mourn the death of someone, who is personal and close to the heart is:

  1. Ode
  2. Elegy
  3. Epic

Answer: b


Q26. The first Elegies were written in:

  1. Roman
  2. Greek
  3. Both a and b

Answer: c


Q27. “An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” is a poetic work of which poet?

  1. Alexander Pope
  2. Thomas Gray
  3. Shakespeare

Answer: b


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Q28. A sonnet is a _____________ poem typically concerned with the topic of love.

  1. 14 line poem
  2. 16 line poem
  3. 18 line poem

Answer: a


Q29. Which poetic form contain internal rhymes within their 14 lines?

  1. Ode
  2. Elegy
  3. Sonnet

Answer: c


Q30. From which Age, Sonnet began to popular?

  1. Early Middle Ages
  2. Late Middle  Ages
  3. Renaissance Age

Answer: b


Q31. Whose sonnets were translated in the 16th century by Sir Thomas Wyatt?

  1. Petrarchan
  2. Shakespearian
  3. Spenserian

Answer: a


Q32. Who is credited with introducing the sonnet form into English literature?

  1. Thomas Gray
  2. Sir Thomas Wyatt
  3.  William Shakespeare

Answer: b


Q33. A traditional Italian or Petrarchan sonnet follows the rhyme scheme which is:

  1. abba, abba, cdecde
  2. abab, cdcd, efef
  3. none

Answer: a


Q34. John Milton’s “On His Blindness” sonnet followed the rhyme scheme of:

  1. Shakespearian sonnet
  2. Spenserian sonnet
  3. Petrarchan sonnet

Answer: c


Q35. The English or Shakespearian Sonnet follows the rhyme scheme which is:

  1. abba, abba, cdecde
  2. abab, cdcd, efef, gg
  3. Both a and b

Answer: b


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Q36. William Shakespeare’s “Time and Love” follows the rhyme scheme of:

  1. Shakespearian sonnet or English sonnet
  2. Spenserian sonnet
  3. Petrarchan sonnet

Answer: a



Q37. Ode is much like a/an:

  1. epic
  2. elegy
  3. sonnet

Answer: b


Q38. A poetic form which is a tribute to its subject, although the subject need not be dead or even sentient is

  1. Ode
  2. Elegy
  3. Sonnet

Answer: a


Q39. Which poetic form comes from the Greek aeidein, meaning to sing or chant and belongs to the long and varied tradition of lyric poetry?

  1. Sonnet
  2. Ballad
  3. Ode

Answer: c


Q40. Ode is after Greek, later reserved by which poets to convey their strongest sentiments?

  1. Romantic poets
  2. Metaphysical poets
  3. Cavalier poets

Answer: a


Q41. Which can be generalized as a formal address to an event, a person or a thing not present?

  1. Sonnet
  2. Elegy
  3. Ode

Answer: c


Q42. “Ode on Intimations of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood” is the poetic work of which poet?

  1. William Wordsworth
  2. William Shakespeare
  3. John Keats

Answer: a


Q43. “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is written by:

  1. S.T Coleridge
  2. John Keats
  3. William Wordsworth

Answer: b


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Q44. Which literary form is  first developed by poets writing in ancient Greek?

  1. Ode
  2. Sonnet
  3. Ballad

Answer: a


Q45. A strophe, antistrophe and an epode are the three parts of which poetic form?

  1. Elegy
  2. Sestina
  3. Ode

Answer: c

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