Category: Renaissance Period

MCQs on Renaissance Period Objective Questions and Answers

 Renaissance Music Period (1500-1600)  The Renaissance Period (Sixteen-century literature) is also called the Elizabethan Period or the age of Shakespeare in English Literature. It is a literary phase/age/period named after the central literary figures or the essential rulers of England. Renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance followed the middle ages in Europe. After the darkness of…

Objective Questions on Elizabethan Prose

Objective Questions on Elizabethan Prose

Introduction To Elizabethan Prose in English Literature (1500-1600)  The Elizabethan period was also the period of the origin of modern English prose. During the reign of Elizabethan Prose began to be used as a vehicle of various forms of amusement and information, and its popularity increased on account of the increased facility provided by the…