Category: Age of Pope

MCQs on Prose Of The Age Of Pope

Introduction To Prose Of The Age Of Pope (1700-1744) The earlier part of the 18th century or the Augustan Age in English literature is called the Age of Pope, because Pope was the dominating figure in that period. With the growth of new middle classes, there was an increasing demand for the printed word, and…

MCQs on Poetry in The Age of Pope

Classical Age of Pope’s Poetry (1700-1744) The earlier part of the 18th century or the Classical Age in English literature is called the Age of Pope, because Alexander Pope was the dominating figure in that period. The Classical era has been called the age of reason, and Alexander Pope is considered as the greatest poet…

Age of Pope MCQs Questions and Answers

Introduction To Poetry, The Age Of Pope (1700-1744) The earlier part of the 18th century or the Augustan Age in English literature is called the Age of Pope, because Pope was the dominating figure in that period. Though there were a number of other important writers like Addison and Swift, but Pope was the only…